IWTRC2024 ECSs & Student Travel Support

IWTRC travel support for ECSs & students:

TRC will provide travel support to early career scientists (ECSs) and students interested in studying at a TRC member’s university and attending the IWTRC. The requirements are as follows:

1. Fill out the attached application form.

2. Understand and agree to all the terms and conditions, including becoming a TRC International member.

(What is a "TRC International Members"?)
We encourage applicants to make their presentation at the IWTRC; however, we will also accept applications from students who wish to attend without presenting. In the latter case, please note that the possibility of receiving support will be lower.

IWTRC Travel Support Application Form

Please download the below form, fill it within 2 pages and send to the IWTRC secretariat (iwtrc-info[at] ynu [dot] ac [dot] jp) by August 23, 2024.